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Friday 25 July 2014

Top 10 Apps For Students For Time Management

There are lots of apps for students when it comes to time management.The fact that so may have opted to create apps around same idea of helping students manage their time is quite telling.It means that there is quite a demand.Here is a list of time management apps for students,children and even adults.

1. Myhomework :
This is an organization tool that the student may use to manage their time, especially when it comes to their homework. They are able to enter assignments into the tool and then set reminders for when they are supposed to do them and what sort of priority they are. They look a little like notebooks, so they have the right aesthetic for students to use them comfortably. They are able to set their priorities into three categories to keep things simple. This will allow you to keep track of your homework and to work out your due dates. It will remind you when things are due and will allow you to manage your time more efficiently.

2. Day By Day Organizer :
This is a planning app that has gone all out on simplicity side of things, with many of the functions being single touch activated. It is easy to configure and has voice input. It may seem simple, but it does have a lot of features buried in it and it seems to be very popular at the moment.

3. Evernote :
This is an app that most people have heard of. It allows you to take notes and organize them. It has numerous features, all of which serve well as an organizing tool.

4. Temo Smart Calendar :
This is a time management app that students prefer as it is built for a slightly younger audience. Plus, it is integrated with lots of other things such as social media and email accounts. It is good for cross-scheduling and other such functions. It also allows you to tell your friends and contacts if you are unable to keep appointments or if you are going to be late. There are even pre-set “I’m running late” texts, which is frankly a little worrying if a person is so frequently late that the person has to set up pre-set messages for it.

5. ToodleDoo :
You can set up deadlines and tasks on this organizer app. It is very similar to a checklist program, and it allows you to do similar thing such as save numerous lists and set up alarms. You can add in details about each task and it will suggest ways in which you may organize your tasks a little better. You can write different notes for different tasks and priorities.

6. InClass :
This is designed for children who are in high school and works as a reminder app. The student is allowed to enter a task and give it quite a bit of detail. The details are entered in with a description that the student can make as comprehensive or weak as he or she wishes. The children are able to attach priorities to the tasks they add into the app. It allows the child to specify a certain time that they should start and finish their tasks.

7. BugMe :
This is a Smartphone app that works like a sticky board. You add notes to the board in order to remember the tasks written on them. You can use different types of notes for different tasks and priorities. It looks a little different, which may encourage some students to use it more than they do the usual sterile looking ones.

8. Google Calendar :
As you may imagine, this sort of thing is very good for people of all ages. It allows you to block schedule things, which means you can set up recurring reminders and can program the calendar with a lot of things at once. It syncs up very easily with other programs and devices, and it is very easy to use and manage.

9. Checklist Wrangler :
This app allows you to create checklists very quickly and efficiently. It is very good for recurring checklists too as you can set it to renew automatically and you can bulk copy and paste items from one list to another. It is good because it is simple to use and easy to implement. You can even print hard copies or send off copies via email.

10. Mytime Organizer :
This is an organizer that may be used by adults and students. You set projects into the app and then have them set into priorities. The tasks may also be given their own count down so that the time limits seem a little more imposing. You can set a timer so that whilst you are doing your task you are getting it done on time. It helps you record how long it takes to do things, which may help you plan further down the road.

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